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Just Had a Car Accident? Don't Wait to Get Checked for a Concussion

Just Had a Car Accident? Don't Wait to Get Checked for a Concussion

Nearly 4 million concussions happen every year in the United States, according to estimates from the CDC, many stemming from motor vehicle accidents. Though some concussions can cause subtle symptoms that may be hard to spot, even a mild concussion requires medical evaluation and treatment. 

At Easy Reach Chiropractic, Barbara Adonis, DC, and Heather Previll, PT, DPT, offer skilled, compassionate care for car accident injuries, including concussions. Here’s how concussions occur and why prompt evaluation and treatment are so critical.

How concussions happen

Most people think concussions happen when you strike your head on a surface or when you’re hit in the head by an object. The fact is, however, direct-impact injuries are just one way concussions happen. Indirect impacts can cause them, too.

Car accidents that involve impacts or sudden stopping can cause concussions when your head snaps forward and backward rapidly. This is the same motion that leads to whiplash.

The rapid movement forces your brain against the side of your skull, sometimes leading to bleeding, torn nerves, chemical changes, or other damage inside the brain tissue.

Accidents that cause severe twisting or rotation of your body and neck can lead to concussions, as well. Most importantly, you don’t need to have a severe car accident to have a concussion.

Why prompt evaluation is critical

Concussion symptoms can be subtle. Severe injuries may cause a loss of consciousness or other obvious, immediate issues, but many concussions take time to develop. 

When you don’t have immediate symptoms, it’s easy to think it’s OK to skip seeing a doctor, especially if you don’t have other injuries, like broken bones or bleeding. Without prompt treatment, an undiagnosed concussion can lead to serious problems, including permanent brain damage or death.

Over time, an untreated concussion can cause bleeding inside your brain or swelling that “squeezes” your brain and damages nerves and brain tissue. Early concussion evaluation helps identify subtle signs of concussions through special exams and a review of your accident. 

Finally, having a medical evaluation by our team right after a car accident provides an ongoing record of your injury that may be necessary for legal or insurance purposes. Our team is experienced in performing in-depth evaluations typically required by attorneys and insurers.

Care for your injuries

In addition to evaluating motor vehicle injuries, we also provide patient-centered care that’s focused on relieving symptoms and improving your overall quality of life. Every treatment program is tailored individually, based on your symptoms, your medical history, and other factors for optimal outcomes.

If you’ve had a car accident — even a “minor” one — having a medical evaluation as soon as possible is vital for your health and wellness. To schedule your evaluation, request an appointment online or over the phone with the team at Easy Reach Chiropractic in Lake Worth and Fort Lauderdale, Florida, today.

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